31-12-2023 堂主任的話



回想起我昔日蒙召的時刻,神呼叫我看到世上並不存在完美的教會。我默然認同,祂告訴我可以來牧養祂的羊,猶如神呼召以賽亞先知時所說:「你去告訴這百姓說:你們聽是要聽見,卻不明白;看是要看見,卻不曉得。」(賽 6:9)神的心意是只要我們忠心侍奉,神將負責到底。





Dear brothers and sisters,

When I meditated on the words of Pastor Debora’s prophet, especially the end part of the prophecy, God declared to us that “Favor 611” has a special sign, which is pastoral care. This is not just the responsibility of one or two brothers and sisters, but the common ministry of all of us. Pastoral care is not a temporary act but an ongoing act of care. If pastoral care is our hallmark, it is actually the outpouring of the lives of brothers and sisters, just as the love of Jesus becomes the hallmark of Christians.

Thinking back to the time of my calling, God called me to see that there is no perfect church in the world. I silently agreed, and He told me to come and shepherd His sheep, just as God said when he called the prophet Isaiah: "Go and tell this people: Hear to hear, but not understand; see to see, But they do not know it.” (Isaiah 6:9) God’s intention is that as long as we serve faithfully, God will be responsible to the end.

In this world, there is no one who is not worthy of being pastored, and there is no one who does not need to be cared for. When we welcome the New Year of 2024, let us dedicate a new resolution to God, resolve to become a small group leader, and devote ourselves more deeply to the pastoral responsibility.

Let us join hands to welcome the new year and make pastoral care the hallmark of our lives. May every brother and sister be able to demonstrate the love of Jesus in pastoral care and bring more warmth and care to the church. Thanks to God’s call, we trust in His guidance and move toward a richer pastoral journey.

May God’s grace and peace be with you,

Pastor Joseph

24-12-2023 堂主任的話




"In the multitude of interpersonal relationships, the marital relationship stands out as the most challenging, perhaps because there is no hiding between spouses who see each other day in and day out. If deception exists within this relationship, it will inevitably erode the bond, often leading to separation, a fate that even the church cannot exempt.

However, upon reading the prophecy of Favor611 given by Pastor Debora ,  there is a special sense of gratitude. The prophecy explicitly states, 'Many marriages shattered and troubled individuals come here. You have a strong ministry for marital harmony. Many relationships are repaired and rebuilt here. Many people have high education and good jobs, but they struggle with their own relationships. When they come here with brokenness, despair, and even thoughts of divorce, God says, through you, I bring hope to people. Many families are restored here, many marriages are transformed, and God's anointing and power are with you.'

Following this, an image appears of brothers and sisters holding hands, forming a large circle. God continues, 'Love each other, be united. Examine yourselves to align with the middle path, appreciate people, affirm people, praise people. Let your mouths frequently speak sweet living water...'

This is not just a prophecy but a mission with tangible results, speaking to a generation without hope for marriages. God is determined to use Favor611 Church to rebuild and restore marital relationships that the enemy has destroyed, marking the moment when Men Return Home and Women Realign find their way back to Eden."

17-12-2023 堂主任的話


















Thank you God. Since we have received the basket containing the fire of the Holy Spirit, we must make good use of this power and draw it with continuous faith.

 Pastor Deborah continued:

 🍎God will give you supernatural anointing,

 🍎Apply the anointing of prophetic revelation,

 🍎Healing and deliverance anointing,

 🍎The inner healing anointing that builds up other people’s lives,

 🍎Even the anointing of Bible exegesis and preaching,

 🍎Put this anointing of love, generosity, and willingness to give in your midst,

 How do we know we have this anointing?  The answer lies in our prayers. God will use our prayers to bring miracles  to happen.

 From the thanksgiving prayer on last week's bulletin,

 Watch and praying before worship,

 Thursday’s harp and bowl prayer,

 In your cell group,

 in the family,

 work place ⋯⋯

 Every prayer carries heavenly authority. Whatever is bound on earth is bound in heaven, and whatever is set free on earth is set free in heaven.

 I want to declare: All kinds of spiritual anointing will be filled in the joyful Favor611 family, and the results will be manifested in the lives of all brothers and sisters.

10-12-2023 堂主任的話



我在思考:為什麼聖靈要從嬰孩開始呢?神說:因為我們的信心起初都像嬰孩一樣。我突然恍然大悟,Favor611 要用信心與所領受的異象相融合。




In the last message, it was mentioned that "... inside the basket was a baby, and then this baby gradually grew up to become an adult and walked among us with his whole body on fire. He said that we should receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit, receive the fire of the Holy Spirit. Children, we should have a desire for the Holy Spirit, pursue spiritual ministry, and serve in spiritual matters." It turns out that what Pastor Deborah received was a basket filled with the fire of the Holy Spirit given to "Favor611" by God. 

I was thinking: why does the Holy Spirit have to start with a baby? God said: because our faith is like a baby at first. I suddenly realized that Favor611 must integrate faith with the vision received. 

"Favor611 " from its birth to now, the Holy Spirit reminds us to pay attention to interpersonal relationships, not to act in haste, but to proceed with love in order to establish trust, and to face our true selves , not to suppress ourselves excessively. Pretending that everything is fine on the surface while constantly complaining inside will only breed hatred. 

Brothers and sisters, on the path of following God, we will inevitably encounter various difficulties, which sometimes shake our faith. But the greater the difficulty, the stronger the power of the Holy Spirit. We are God's people, planted by our Heavenly Father, and we will surely bear good fruit. Galatians 5:22-23 tells us that "the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control." 

So how do we demonstrate such life? Please stay tuned for the next issue...

03-12-2023 堂主任的話

經中提到:“沒有異象、民就放肆” (箴言29:17a)。最近我在思考迎接來年的方向時,回顧了帖心牧師為喜悅611所領受的先知預言:一個由天然材料編織的水果籃 🧺,神的雙手把這籃子交到你們當中。


在這段思考的時候,聖靈引導我回想我如何對神的呼召作出回應。當時,我向神說:“我知道了!世人都是不完全的,不可能找到一個沒有問題的教會。” 神回應道:“那麼你就為我去牧養吧!” 接著,我繼續問耶穌,我應該作什麼?答案是先接受栽培。



The Bible asserts, "Where there is no vision, the people act recklessly" (Proverbs 29:17a). Recently, pondering upom the next year's vision led me to revisit the prophetic message Pastor Deborah received for Favor 611: a fruit basket 🧺 woven with natural materials. God's hands present this basket to you.

While conventionally a basket for assorted seasonal fruits, in spiritual sense, it symbolizes the gospel's fruit, the Holy Spirit's fruit, the fruit of repentance, and broadly, the fruit of life.

During this period of meditation, the Holy Spirit guided me to recall my response to God's call. I had affirmed, "I understand! Imperfection is universal, and finding a flawless church is impossible."Then God responded : "Then go shepherd for me!" Subsequently, I went on to ask Jesus on what next steps to take. The directive was to undergo being equipped first.

Therefore, service commences with receving. Brothers and sisters, if today  you feel dry and feeble, let's return to God's home and embrace His shelter. True transformation stems from God alone.

As for the basket's contents, let us find it out in the forthcoming issue.

26-11-2023 堂主任的話



正執筆之際,傳來母堂的Facebook 和what’s app 被人盜用帳戶,進行詐騙,慨嘆今世之子,真是無孔不入,我們作為光明之子,真的不能漠視這世代的需要,快快一起傳揚真道,並且生活要靈巧像蛇,馴良像鴿子。


These days, in addition to focusing on Redemptional Creation in Sunday Service, we have a deeper understanding of God’s love. He created the vast stars just so that we can see the pleasant morning stars at night, and there is evening and morning, so that we can have time to work and rest.

On the other hand, during daily Morning Devotion, we go into the Gospel of Luke and receive the teachings of Jesus, like healing on the Sabbath to show God’s love? The prodigal son returns home to demonstrate the loving Heavenly Father, and this week I use Luke 16 Chapter 1-16 to remind us that we must have expectations and enthusiasm for heavenly things, and work hard so that more people can enter the kingdom of heaven.

As I was writing this article, news came that my mother church's Facebook and What's app accounts had been stolen and committed fraud. I lamented that the children of this world are really pervasive. As children of light, we really cannot ignore the needs of this generation. Let us quickly spread the truth and live together. Be wise as serpents and meek as doves.

Bless the brothers and sisters to rely on the Holy Spirit and experience a life of victory under the pastoral cover of the church.

19-11-2023 堂主任的話







盼望您們都感受到611 大家庭的氛圍,「喜悅」雖然只有四歲多,但必藉著母堂和其他分堂的經歷,成為我們的榜樣,使我們雖走着一條從未走過的路,最終必然來到神的面前,並且得着祂的賞賜。

「人非有信,就不能得 神的喜悅,因為到 神面前來的人,必須信有神,且信祂賞賜那尋求祂的人。」來11:6

During our three consecutive Sunday Worship Service, we arranged for brothers and sisters who had returned from participating in the Tree of Life Heartified Commandments conference to share their testimonies:

*I will delve into the meaning of the Ten Commandments.

*We should start by pouring out our hearts to God.

*Let God's light illuminate the darkness and confusion within our hearts.

*You Lord, me, and others, in that order of priority.

We hope that all of you can feel the atmosphere of the 611 big family. Although "Favor 611" is only a little over four years old, through the experiences of Mother

 church and other branches whom have become our role model, even though we are walking a path we have never walked before, we will ultimately come before God and receive His rewards.

“And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.”

 Hebrews 11:6