按立禮 | 帖心牧师对喜悦611的預言 | 喜悦Favor 611 | 2023.05.21

21-04-2024 堂主任的話 Pastor's Message


    自上主日,因著要處理祖業,回港前後三天,在週二晚參與母堂611的「堅固臺禱告會」,連同祖母堂台北靈糧堂周神助牧師團隊、香港眾分堂及海外分堂圍成三圈堅固循牌,讓母堂恩年爸爸牧師、張C-mo 媽媽團團保障起來。這些都是出發前不知道的;豈知全都已記載在神的日子裏。


民 數 記 22:12  神 對 巴 蘭 說 : 你 不 可 同 他 們 去 , 也 不 可 咒 詛 那 民 , 因 為 那 民 是 蒙 福 的 。

當我思量週三晨禱,神就明明訓示巴蘭先知,「你 不 可 同 他 們 去 。」


祝福弟兄姊妹常被聖靈充滿,不 要效法這個世界.只要心意更 新而變化、叫你們察驗何為神的善良、純全可喜悅的旨意 。


Brothers and Sisters, peace be with you,

Since last Sunday, due to inheritance matters, I returned to Hong Kong for three days and participated in the "Fortress Prayer Meeting" at mother church 611 on Tuesday evening. This event included teams from Taipei Ling Liang Church, various Hong Kong branches, and overseas branches, forming three circles of solidarity to protect our Pastor Joshua and 張C-mo. All these events, unknown before my departure, were already part of God's plan.

The Fortress Prayer Meeting is essential for exerting spiritual strength, watching over the church, and protecting it from the enemy's destruction.

As it says in Numbers 22:12, God told Balaam, "You must not go with them; you must not curse those people, for they are blessed."

Reflecting on Wednesday's morning devotion , God clearly instructed Prophet Balaam, "You must not go with them."

Following God always involves seeking and acting according to His will.

May the Holy Spirit always fill you, and may you not conform to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, to discern God's good, pleasing, and perfect will.

Blessings to Hong Kong 611 Bread of Life Christian Church for continued prosperity, and may (Pastor恩年) receive 神助God's help, as (Pastor神助)He supports 恩年.

14-04-2024 堂主任的話 Pastor's Message

謝謝大家同心合意,上週共用了數小時,快速的完成搬殿,這週忙於測試網絡,進行微調修正,仔細思量地方運用,決定構建一個崇拜舞台,讓弟兄姊妹與敬拜隊和講員間互動,有更美好eye contact。

今天是AGM我們的週年大會,也是在新殿首個崇拜後舉行,同工在整理截至30/6的各項細節,發現神的供應豐富,帶領我們一起走在與神同行當中,盼望每一位都能在信心上提升,當晨禱我們讀到民數記18章20、21和24節,重溫要讓利未人專心服侍,他們不同其他支派在地上得產業,因為神就是他們的分、產業,再次宣佈所有以色列人中出產的十分之一都賜給他們和他們的子孫為業。感謝神,今天回顧弟兄姊妹為教會擺上,都確實是眾人甘心樂的獻上,必然是神 喜悅我們「喜悅611」的祭。


愛你們的Pastor Joe 和Stella C-mo 

Thank you, everyone, for your unity and cooperation. Last week, we quickly completed the temple move in just a few hours. This week, we’ve been busy testing the network, making fine adjustments, and carefully planning the space. We’ve decided to build a worship stage to enhance interaction between the congregation, the worship team, and the speakers, ensuring better eye contact.

Today, we hold our AGM, our annual meeting, which is also the first worship session in the new temple. The team has been organizing the details up to June 30th and has found God’s provision to be abundant, guiding us to walk with Him. As we read Numbers 18:20, 21, and 24 during morning devotion , we are reminded to let the Levites focus on serving, as they, unlike other tribes, do not have a land inheritance because God is their portion. We are thankful that the tithes from all Israelites are given to them and their descendants. We appreciate the congregation’s willing contributions, truly pleasing to God as sacrifices for “Favor611.”

Looking forward to the new year’s developments, as we thank God for giving us a broader space, we also prepare our hearts to participate actively. As God brings the flock back to the fold, let us shepherd them well and live up to His grace. Encouraging one another in this effort.

Love from Pastor Joe and Stella C-mo

07-04-2024 堂主任的話




今次體會更深,自上年與奇妙611錦華牧師和妙兒師母分享我們這裏的發展,就定下要更換更大地方的方向,一方面我們自知大部份弟兄姊妹的家庭經濟,都是經歷開始奮鬥階段,但感謝神奇妙的供應,我們過去教會支出,經與ATO申請,我們在GST 的支出可以退還。這無疑是一個好的兆頭,再次祝福弟兄姊妹的擺上,必蒙神記念。我們記念神的家,神必看顧我們的家。也謝謝您們在這次搬殿中,每一位所付出的努力,你們的名字必然也蒙神喜悅。

Brothers and Sisters in Peace, blessings to all as we experience the mighty resurrection of Jesus Christ in our families, schools, workplaces, and around the world. Every day, let us rely on God, meet in love, cherish each other, and live in harmony.

Thank you again to our coworkers for planning our church moving up. Today is the day we all move together. Our church’s name, Favor611, reflects God’s pleasure among us, seen in His choice of the church for us. From the beginning, God has allowed us direct contact with landlords, favor in their eyes, and His control behind everything, expanding Favor 611’s boundaries.

This experience deepens as we, along with Wonderful 611’s Pastor KW and Louisa C-mo share our development and decide to move to a larger place. Despite our congregation’s economic challenges, we are thankful for God’s provision, including GST refunds from ATO applications—a sign of God’s blessing. Your contributions are remembered by God as we care for His house, and He cares for ours. Thank you for your efforts in this move; you are indeed favored by God.

31-03-2024 堂主任的話


A seven-day ode to traveling in New Zealand

Day1  接待遇上期待:


The reception is expected to be a blend of warmth~Surprise, Abundance, Satisfaction, Tranquility, Joy, and Thoughtful consideration.



Pairs smiling warmly at each other, their gestures and rich expressions speaking volumes. Brothers act swiftly and with keen insight during the night, fully enjoying the deep bonds of family affection.

Winnie:心靈專注領受,進到古典新意陽光;Inside focus her spirits and receive, entering into a realm of classical novelty and sunshine. 

Edmond:遠眺千帆聚居,跨越峻嶺指向明天;Outside gaze afar at a congregation of sails, crossing over rugged mountains, pointing towards tomorrow.



Gathering from afar, a royal luncheon under the sky where changing clouds and descending angels catch the eye. 

Green-lipped mussels and lamb racks, alongside special Feijoa fruits, become the day’s highlight, as the chef’s feast for sixteen is deemed just another day’s work.

Day4 雨中探索歴奇:


手拖C-mo 好心情。

Exploring the wonder of nature in the rain:Marveling at the creation in a glowworm cave. 

The silver fern lights the way, awakening indigenous wisdom;While royal plants display their unique blooms. 

The atmosphere of hot springs enriches the senses with its colors, scents, and tastes;Walking through the rain-soaked woods, where redwoods have grown for decades;Families and couples find joy in their connections. Disciples walk together, hand in hand with C-mo, in good spirits.


坐拖拉專(機),觀看羊羣只跨越百分之一山嶺;念雅各鍾(忠)情,穿梭羊羣走過二十載牧場生活。假樹影婆娑日出日落同一處,遊山洞,歎巧工,免費享用 Ginger-beer。

Taking a tractor (plane)to view a mere fraction of sheep crossing over the mountain ridges; reminiscing about Jacob’s fondness, navigating through sheep flocks for two decades of farm life. 

Observing the hand-made tree dancing shadows where sunrise meet sunset, 

exploring caves, marveling at the craftsmanship, and enjoying complimentary Ginger-beer.

Day6 Half Moon Bay 弟兄遊 :

雲有輕有重, 潮有漲有退, 何戄烏雲, 傾刻變幻, 夜幕低垂思家迫切

Brothers journey to Half Moon Bay, observing the ever-changing skies—clouds that vary in weight and light, tides that rise and fall. Suddenly, dark clouds gather, but just as quickly, they change, revealing the night sky’s embrace. Amidst this shifting backdrop, a deep yearning for home intensifies as night falls.

Day 7 

十 五人同桌盛意隆隆互記念, 七天心意相連喜悅滿滿踏歸程

Fifteen people gather at the table, sharing memories with profound sentiments. 

Over seven days, their hearts connect, filled with joy, as they set off on their return journey, carrying the fullness of shared happiness and strengthened bonds back home.

24-03-2024 堂主任的話

這星期我和Stella C-mo 和可愛的女兒Donna 及一對貼心門徒,一起走訪旅居紐西蘭和悉尼兩地的同工筱雯Edmond夫婦,和一羣已移居奧克蘭,並跟隨我們喜悅611的姊妹。感謝留守教會的同工們,忙於籌備搬上樓上新殿的各細節,謝謝他們忠心的擺上。

母堂611 在2018 年領受52年遍植生命樹,當然與我們一同位於南半球的紐西蘭更是我們同心澆灌,迫切禱告目標之地,神實在也在垂聽禱告。


This week, Stella C-mo and I, along with our lovely daughter Donna and a pair of devoted disciples, visited co-workers Winnie and Edmond, who live in New Zealand and Sydney, as well as a group of sisters who have moved to Auckland and follow our Favor611. We’re grateful for the church workers who stayed behind, busy preparing for the move to the new temple upstairs, and thank them for their faithful service. Mother Church 611 received a vision in 2018 to plant the Tree of Life for 52 years, with New Zealand, located in the Southern Hemisphere like us, being a key area for our concerted watering and fervent prayer goals, truly, God is listening to our prayers. A healthy family starts with a couple having a good relationship, just like a healthy church also needs pastors and C-mos to carry the pastoral care together. We pray together for the Lord to raise local families, willing to walk together in unity, emulating the New Testament household church of Aquila and Priscilla, becoming a great team for the Apostle Paul, responding to our vision for planting the Tree of Life in this generation. And to strengthen the fruits born on this journey.

17-03-2024 堂主任的話



喜悅611堂慶頌 - 頌恩篇

D  2/2

有 時 風 浪 來 臨 使 人 心 驚 慌

有 時 困 難 重 重 如 山 難 越 過  

主 的 恩 典 如 同 海 洋 深 又 廣

喜 悅 經 歷 信 心 考 驗 更 堅 定


主 恩 無 量 樣 樣 說 出 來      

主 愛 無 邊 緊 緊  記 心 上    

神 的 恩 典  天 天 都 更 新    

喜 悅 喜 悅 喜 悅 看 到 神 大 愛

      在此際,我們晨禱剛巧就讀民數記1-4章中,利未人如何在曠野起營運送會幕;衆支派都屬神的大軍,各有位置。我們在其中不計較、不爭辯,服從的服侍是從心開始,祝福我們喜悅611 大家庭,我們的服侍是可以代代傳承,我們的羣體是充滿感恩讚美,天天渴慕神的話語,如鹿切慕溪水,討神喜悅。


愛你的Pastor Joe 和 Stella C-mo

Today marks the first five-year anniversary of our Favor611 congregation, looking back to when we first started together, we realize that the footsteps of some of our companions have become less. However, we give thanks to God. As we walked together, God continually built one family after another. Small group leaders shepherd faithfully, lives become more like Christ, and coworkers serve with all their heart. God’s house progresses steadily and orderly.

Just like the song for this year’s church anniversary:

Favor611 Church Anniversary Song - Song of Grace

D 2/2

Sometimes storms come and cause panic

Sometimes difficulties are as insurmountable as mountains

The grace of the Lord is like the ocean, deep and wide

FAVOR  in experiencing faith tested and becoming more firm


The grace of the Lord is boundless, let’s speak of it in every way

The love of the Lord is endless, keep it close to heart

The grace of God is renewed every day

Favor, Favor, Favor, seeing God’s great love

       At this time, our morning devotion coincidentally involved reading Numbers chapters 1-4, about how the Levites set up and transported the Tabernacle in the wilderness; every tribe is part of God’s great army, each with its place. Among us, we do not bicker or argue, but serve obediently from the heart. Bless our Favor 611 big family, may our service be passed down through generations, our community filled with gratitude and praise, daily yearning for God’s word, like a deer pants for streams of water, seeking God’s pleasure.

Encouragement for our fifth anniversary!

Love, Pastor Joe and Stella C-mo

10-03-2024 堂主任的話

     在剛過去的7/3週四,我和StellaC-mo一起在晨禱結束後,就按照女兒Donna的安排,一行三人乘坐火車到Central /Town Hall ,開始C-mo全天的生日流程,我們沒有大聲宣嚷熱情的埸面,我和女兒悠閒的陪伴Stella, 在Victoria Basement Shopping, 一起盡情的尋找好東西,又平又靚,從廚房用具到客廳擺設,都雀躍地Shop around。



     不久,已到黃昏,Stella 就挑選了一間,最近嚐過的中餐,與約好了的一對門徒夫婦,由他們駕車接送我們,在途中,很享受不用駕駛的樂趣,雖然平淡,卻感覺很寫意,他們為Stella準備輕盈生日蛋糕,為這一頓晚餐劃上句號。

在回家後,覺得這間中餐廳好像沒有上次那麼好,回想就發覺當我點菜的時候,把金沙粉絲蟹煲只說成粉絲蟹煲,而侍應問薑蔥蟹麽,我隨口說了ok, 真是大大的疏忽,非常抱歉啊!太太,請願諒。           

      當離開餐舘,步行回到泊在路邊的車時,腳踏進車內,就下大雨,大家都感恩讚美,神就是這樣看顧StellaC-mo 的生日,也體諒我的疏忽,為我包底。

      多希望能陪伴太太走完每一天,不用激情,只著意細𡟹。Stella C-mo 願妳喜樂!永遠愛您

On the past Thursday, 7th of March, Stella C-mo and I, following our daughter Donna’s arrangement, took a train to Central/Town Hall after the Morning Devotion , kicking off C-mo’s day-long birthday celebration. Without making a big fuss or a boisterous scene, my daughter and I leisurely accompanied Stella, indulging in Victoria Basement Shopping, joyfully hunting for good finds that were both affordable and beautiful, from kitchenware to living room decorations, shopping around with excitement.

For lunch, our daughter arranged a surprise, treating mom to a meal famous for its mango desserts, featuring special Italian pasta, deep-fried soft-shell crab, and assorted mango desserts. A delightful young person was also specially invited to join us, making for a warm and enjoyable time.

My energy and spirits not being limitless, I took a brief rest, while our daughter continued shopping with mom. As evening approached, Stella chose a Chinese restaurant we had recently tried. A disciple couple, having agreed earlier, drove us there, allowing us to enjoy the ride without the need to drive ourselves. It was a simple pleasure but felt very comfortable. They prepared a light birthday cake for Stella, perfectly concluding our dinner.

Returning home, it seemed the Chinese restaurant wasn’t as good as the last time. Reflecting on it, I realized that when ordering, I mistakenly referred to the “golden sand vermicelli crab” merely as “vermicelli crab,” and when the server asked about ginger and scallion crab, I carelessly agreed, a significant oversight for which I am very sorry, my dear wife, and I ask for your forgiveness.

As we left the restaurant and walked back to our car parked by the roadside, it started to pour rain. We all gave thanks and praised God for watching over Stella C-mo’s birthday and for overlooking my mistake, covering for me.

03-03-2024 堂主任的話


我和Stella師母都知道必須要為妳們預備一間「媽咪-baby 」房,在主崇方便你們使用。感謝主,祂是信實的,是垂聽禱告的神,竟然一下子給我們擴展地界,我們快將搬上一層(Level 6 )面積增加50%,不單媽媽嬰兒有房,連同我們的青少年,兒童大、小班都可以比現在寬躺些。


當分享到神為Favor611 的作為給母堂知道的時候,張牧師師母祝福我們,「願主使我們各人都心意更新變化,使神的心意和作為在我們身上都顯明!」



In our chats with the group leaders, we've come to know that this year, we are expecting several newborns. I want to take this opportunity to extend my blessings to all expectant mothers, wishing for the healthy growth of your babies, a cheerful spirit for you, and loving harmony between spouses.

Stella C-mo and I are aware of the necessity to prepare a dedicated mother-baby room for your convenience in the main worship area on Sunday service. We give thanks to the Lord, for He is faithful and hears our prayers. Miraculously, He has expanded our territory, and we are soon moving up to level 6, increasing our space by 50%. This expansion will not only accommodate mothers and their babies but also provide more room for our youth and children's classes, both big and small.

Our main worship hall will also see an increase in seating capacity, with the hope that our worship becomes even more pleasing to God.

When sharing about God's work for Favor611 with our mother church, Pastor Joshua and C-mo blessed us, saying, "May the Lord renew the spirit of each one of us, making God's will and actions evident in our lives!" 

I believe that in the eyes of the world and before God, we are indeed like actors on a stage. May the Lord enable us to play our roles well, fulfilling God's expectations and those of everyone who has placed their trust in us, as we encourage one another.

To all our children, much love to you!

25-02-2024 堂主任的話


我們這週晨禱讀到提多書 :

「 你 自 己 凡 事 要 顯 出 善 行 的 榜 樣 ; 在 教 訓 上 要 正 直 、 端 莊 , 8  言 語 純 全 , 無 可 指 責 , 叫 那 反 對 的 人 , 既 無 處 可 說 我 們 的 不 是 , 便 自 覺 羞 愧 。」多2:7-8



A brother shared with me that in his service, what troubles him the most is realizing he is gradually losing his compassionate heart. Upon deeper conversation, it felt as though even God’s grace seemed to have eluded him. This is a disheartening cycle: when we cannot feel love, we fail to see grace, and hence, lack compassion.

This week, during our morning devotion , we read from Titus:

 “In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness, 8 and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us.” (Titus 2:7-8)

As leaders, breaking this negative cycle is challenging. Paul encourages Titus to shine the true light before others, to be a good example in daily life and thereby influence and help others. This is indeed not easy for us, but I am thankful and truly have witnessed such changes among us.

As we prepare for our fifth anniversary celebration, let us reflect on the moments when your group leader stood by you, helping you overcome challenges, regain strength, and renew your zeal for service. On the day of the celebration, let us give all glory to the Lord.

18-02-2024 堂主任的話





     祝福你們天天渴慕神的話語,充滿智慧,常走在神的道路中,永不遍離,凡事亨通 ,福杯滿溢。

Pastor Joe & C-mo

As we celebrate our fifth anniversary, this week we held our fifth (beach) baptism, witnessing God's wonderful arrangement in time. These two fives symbolize "grace upon grace," highlighting God's pleasure and blessings on "Favor 611."

In the New Testament, 1 Corinthians 10:1-2 says, "Brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be unaware that our ancestors were all under the cloud, and all passed through the sea, and all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea."

In the past, when the Israelites left Egypt, God led His people through the Red Sea with Moses, foreshadowing our baptism into Christ, sharing in His death, burial, and resurrection; this is the meaning of baptism.

Congratulations to the nine brothers and sisters who, in front of their families, accepted baptism today, witnessing their unregrettable choice to let Christ manage their lives.

May you daily desire God's word, be filled with wisdom, always walk in God's ways, never stray, and everything prosper, your cup overflowing.

Pastor Joe & C-mo

11-02-2024 堂主任的話


 「這 樣 , 耶 和 華 後 來 賜 福 給 約 伯 比 先 前 更 多。……」




       母堂今年領受「放鬆2024 Effortless」的主題,我們要輕鬆來迎接這一年;這週恰逢全球華人共同慶祝的春節,「喜悅611 」特別為來悉尼過農曆年的家人問安,祝福大家笑口常開、如魚得水、春節快樂,衆同工、小組長牧養興旺,職場居上不居下,作首不作尾。全年身體健康,身心靈健壯。

During the morning devotion on February 9th, Friday, we just finished reading the Book of Job...

"And the Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning..." (Job 42:12a)

God adds a new dimension to "suffering," allowing us to entrust to Him the many unclear matters, the uneasiness in our hearts, and all that has not been smoothed out, believing that in God's omnipotence and omniscience, there always lies His wonderful will. By exercising faith, in love and trust, we face each difficulty. As long as we remain in God's presence, all problems will ultimately be resolved.

This year, our mother church embraces the theme "Effortless 2024," urging us to approach this year with ease. This week coincides with the Spring Festival celebrated by Chinese people worldwide. "Favor 611" specially extends greetings to families spending Lunar New Year in Sydney, wishing everyone constant smiles, prosperity like fish in water, a happy Spring Festival, flourishing pastoral care from all co-workers and group leaders, advancement in careers, health throughout the year, and robust physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

04-02-2024 堂主任的話








"A Brief Discussion on the Path of Calling"

One day, I asked a volunteer, who serves with passion, whether he had ever considered becoming a pastor . He replied with a smile in his eyes, "I have never thought about it."

We sincerely thank God that our brother Paul Shen Fan, after 21 years of service—divided into three seven-year phases of highs and lows —has rejoined us to serve full-time alongside his wife as a Levite. This is indeed a joyous occasion.

God calls us in different contexts. From the moment we decide to become Christians, whether we volunteer in the church, lead a small group, commit ourselves as church co-workers, or join the Levite team, we go through struggles over and over again.

How do I respond to God's calling? Firstly, God has allowed me to witness how deep His love is and feel how much our Heavenly Father desires for everyone to live a victorious life, freeing people from all kinds of bondage. Despite having believed in the Lord for many years, I still recognize the need for the help of spiritual elders.

As mentioned in 2 Corinthians 1:4, "Who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God."

Pastor Deborah have prophesied that "Favor 611" would be a church characterized by pastoral care. We do not need to fear responding to God's call. God will send His messengers to comfort us according to our needs first, so that we can comfort those who are in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.

28-01-2024 堂主任的話

在一般商業社會,大家都講求團隊精神、team build 等等,珍惜把握合作互贏的機會。

    「他 們 回 答 約 書 亞 說 : 你 所 吩 咐 我 們 行 的 , 我 們 都 必 行 ; 你 所 差 遣 我 們 去 的 , 我 們 都 必去。」 (書1:16)




In the business world, everyone emphasizes team spirit and team building, cherishing the opportunities for cooperation and mutual benefit.

"They answered Joshua, saying, 'All that you command us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go.'" (Joshua 1:16)

This scripture reflects the time when Joshua was appointed by God to lead the Israelites across the Jordan River into Canaan. The leaders of that time responded to Joshua in this manner.

However, obedience is not just about the willingness in the hearts of those who obey; it also concerns whether the leader is worthy of obedience. This week, Pastor KW of "Wonderful 611" and Louisa C_mo led us in a retreat, sharing about the importance of having a system in the church for everyone to follow. They taught us about the relationship between law and grace, which is essentially the relationship between love and trust, and the importance of understanding the balance between the two. If a team loses trust, its understanding of law and grace will deviate from the right path, affecting the overall cooperative strength.

Team spirit starts with obedience to the leader, enabling us to appreciate the grace within the law. To enjoy freedom within regulations, and more so, it is about everyone's collective trust in the leader. Thank God, Stella and I both have different gifts from God. Let us respond with trust in our love, and together, in "Favor611", we shall demonstrate our united spirit.

21-01-2024 堂主任的話


「你 們 那 一 個 要 蓋 一 座 樓 、 不 先 坐 下 算 計 花 費 、 能 蓋 成 不 能 呢 。」路14:28






We have goals and dreams, and it is really encouraging to others when we start going all out, but if something goes wrong at the beginning, this may quickly cool down our passion, causing us to lose our initial enthusiasm, and thus affecting our ability to achieve the results we should have. .

"Which of you wants to build a tower? Why don't you first sit down and calculate the cost to see if he can build it or not?" Luke 14:28

No matter what you do, you should start with the right expectations, understanding how long the task will take, be patient, and allow time to handle  emergencies in your plan.

When everyone serve together in the church, you all have different personality traits. In God's macro view your life will continue to grow through service. Therefore, to avoid burnout in service, we should understand that everyone is free, and serving the Lord is driven by love for God. We do not regard ourselves as a job, but as God's hands. vessels.

I wish you all to see God’s grace often in your life and to deeply experience God’s presence in your prayers.

May God’s joy fill your service and grant you a more abundant life.

Preview for next issue: Team spirit and results

14-01-2024 堂主任的話


我們在線上611學房Leadership Institute的「跟隨神系列」課程中,深入研究了教會復興史和個人蒙召後的服事。這個課程包括了張恩年牧師分享611領受及回應神帶領的心路歷程,為我們的信仰和服事提供了寶貴的啟示。

我深感受惠於這個課程,並希望與你們一同為「喜悅611」寫下神的美好足跡。對我而言,持續熱誠的服侍的關鍵在於對目標的激情、關心和全力以赴。Stella C_mo的熱衷學習的態度,從Power Point簡報到ProPresentor PPR,甚至包括打麻雀計番,都激勵了整個團隊向前邁進。




Pastor Joe

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

In our online 611 School Leadership Institute, one of the learning series is the "Following God Series," covering a broad range from the historical revival of the church to post-calling personal ministry. It includes insights from our senior pastor Joshua sharing his journey of receiving and responding to God's guidance. I have personally found great help in this course and deeply desire to document the beautiful footprints of God in "Favor 611" with you all.

How can we sustain a passionate service? Stella C_mo exemplifies this by eagerly learning new things, from Microsoft PowerPoint presentations to ProPresenter PPR, and even the intricacies of Mahjong scoring. Her enthusiasm propels our team forward, emphasizing that the fundamental key is to develop interest, care, give our all, engage fully, and enjoy the transformative process.

When contemplating the source of joy in my service, I often think of shepherding. Witnessing the transformation of lives, seeing marriages transition from over a decade of coldness to restored communication and harmony, brings me profound satisfaction.

However, if brothers and sisters find themselves serving to the point of exhaustion, it's evident that their well-being is compromised. Let's discuss in the next session how to avoid burning out.

With gratitude for the grace of God guiding us, may we continue to walk in His love and leadership together.

Loving the Lord and His people,

Pastor Joe

07-01-2024 堂主任的話





Dear children in Christ , as we step into the year 2024, God's reminder urges us to pay closer attention to the situations of our brothers and sisters around us. Let us take Jesus' words from John 10:14 as our goal: "I know my sheep, and my sheep know me."

In the process of this understanding, trust and love will also build up. When conflicts arise, do not judge from a single perspective; instead, try to communicate, listen to the other person's feelings, and control your own emotions. The maturity of spiritual life requires a profound understanding of biblical truths and their appropriate application.

Without prior understanding, avoid reckless actions, and do not assume to be an expert before relationships have developed. The expression of life surpasses words, and a beautiful relationship must withstand tests.

"Favor 611" is a church with a pastoral mission. I wish  you to become the target of careful attention today and embark on a new journey of shepherding together. Blessings to you; may this journey be filled with God's grace.